Sauron, it happened to be, was not the first inhabitant of this foul castle. Many ages ago, over 4000 years before Bilbo found the ring, Amon Lanc, the Bald Hill, the hill upon which Dol Guldur was built, was populated by elves. Then, Mirkwood was known as the Greenwood the Great, and Amon Lanc was the capital of the Silvan elves of Oropher, who was the father of Thranduil. During the Second Age, however, the elves gradually migrated north to the Emyn Duir, the Black Mountains, later known as the Mountains of Mirkwood. It is sometimes said that they felt the power of Sauron was growing again, and decided to flee. It is also said that they distrusted the strength of the Dwarves of Moria and the meddling of Galadriel and Celeborn in Lórien. Whatever the reason, Amon Lanc was deserted when Sauron came.
Construction on the fortress began around the year 1000 in the Third Age. It was named Dol Guldur, which means Tower of Dark Sorcery. Then, Sauron was only known as the Necromancer, still wary after his recent defeat. In 1050, a shadow fell across the Greenwood, and it soon came to be called Mirkwood. The Council of the Wise noticed the evil that had fallen across the forest. Sauron opposed taking any action, but in 2063 Gandalf the Grey journeyed to Dol Guldur. He discovered that the Necromancer was indeed Sauron. He informed the White Council, and they attacked Dol Guldur. Sauron, not yet possessing his full power, fled, and did not return for 400 years.
He did return though, in 2460, coincidentally the same time Smeagol laid his hands on the One Ring. He plotted his return to power for 400 years, and in 2845 imprisoned Thrain II, the King Under the Mountain in exile and keeper of a ring of power. In 2850, Gandalf journeyed there once again, and found a dying Thrain, who entrusted a map and key to Gandalf to be given to his son, Thorin Oakenshield. Thrain, however, had been driven mad, and could not even remember his own name. Gandalf confirmed that once again Dol Guldur was ruled by Sauron, and summoned the White Council. However, Saruman overruled his request to attack because he was searching for the One Ring in that area. In 2941, though, he consented to the invasion and Sauron was driven from Dol Guldur a second time. This was carefully timed to coincide with the quest of Bilbo and the dwarves, so as to not allow Smaug and Sauron ally themselves together and surely overrun Middle Earth. Sauron just relocated to the fortress of Barad-dur in Mordor, where he commenced his search for the One Ring.
Tolkein, J.R.R. The Hobbit UK: George Allen &; Unwin, 1937
Tolkein, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings UK: George Allen &; Unwin, 1954-1955

Do you think Galadriel will have some sort of fighting scene in the second Hobbit film? I know in the book she helps take over Dol Guldur.
ReplyDeleteI think there is a very small chance that scene will not show up in the movie. They will have to resolve what they started in An Unexpected Journey. Also, I don't think we have seen the last of Radagast.